"A Historical Reenactment and Living History Society"
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The Sixth Regiment South Carolina Volunteers is a non-profit Historical and Living History Society composed primarily of men and women from the north central area of the state otherwise known as "The Old English District." It is the intent of the regiments members to present to the general public a historically accurate depiction of the life of the common soldier and civilian of the period from 1861 to 1865 both Confederate and Union. We primarily depict the Sixth Regiment of the South Carolina Volunteer Infantry because this regiment was indigenous to this area and has members that can directly trace their ancestors to it. The Sixth Regiment is a member of the Palmetto Battalion, a state wide umbrella group, representing all local reenactment regiments. Our living history activities consist of four main presentations, lectures at local schools, daily life demonstrations at local community events, lantern tours (a series of vignettes presented at night and illuminated by candles or lanterns) and reenactments of battles (both actual and generic).
an explosion that you feel pound your chest from 600 yards away. Artillery! The shell explodes in front of the line to the right flinging men into the air. The order is given for an advance at the double quick. Less than 100 yards from the guns the orders come to "Halt! Prepare to fire by battalion! Battalion! Ready! Aim! FIRE!!!"
There is a roar from 600 muskets, a savage roar that until now you have only imagined. Before you can think about how you feel, more orders are coming.
"Charge Bayonets! Forward at the double quick! March!" and you are screaming the rebel yell while rushing into a thick pine forest where men in blue are waiting with their own muskets and bayonets.
It's no longer the year 2019. It is 1862 and you and the 6th Regiment of South Carolina Volunteer Infantry just roared into the battle of Seven Pines and into the history books. Before this day is over you and your sister regiment, the 5th S.C., will push parts of four Yankee regiments from two separate corps more than a mile and a half, halting only when no other Confederate forces come to your support because orders went astray, messengers got lost, the confusion of battle once again took command of both armies.
And you never smell pine again without thinking of this this moment.
Learn more about the Battle of Seven Pines and the 6th's involvement within by reading the words of General John Bratton's speech, presented some 20 years after the war's end, to members of the 6th SC Survivors Association. It's a lengthy read but well worth the time and effort. Click here to view.
What's it like to reenact you ask? Here's an actual real life scenario from history involving the 6th SC during the 1862 Battle of Seven Pines. It should help give some idea of just what you too can experience first-hand as a reenactor...
It is a hot spring day. You and 600 other men are sweating in wool uniforms, drinking tepid water from "requisitioned" Yankee canteens while standing in the blazing sunlight in a Virginia hayfield. Suddenly the officers bark orders that are carried down the long gray line by the noncoms. "Attention Battalion! Dress on the colors! Right wheel! Forward!! March!"
The huge line of battle swings in a pivot and you march through the thick, standing hay. The line parts around isolated trees, it flows over fences and boulders; it always comes back to a double line of battle led by bright steel bayonets.
There is an explosion from the wood line ahead,
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