"A Historical Reenactment and Living History Society"
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The Battle of Blackburn's Ford - 1861
Invitation | Registration | Notes & Reminders | Rules/Regulations | Site Map | Map/Directions | Contacts
The 6th SC Volunteers and the Culture & Heritage Museums of York County would like to extend invitation to you and your company/regiment to come join us at Hightower Hall in Historic Brattonsville, SC this Oct 27-29, 2017 for our annual Civil War event. The event will be held at Hightower Hall, a grand, white frame Italian Villa mansion. For many of you it's probably the first building you see when entering the Historic Brattonsville site. The impressive house was built for John S. Bratton Jr. and his wife Harriet Rainey Bratton in 1856 and was the seat of a significant nineteenth and twentieth century plantation. Hightower Hall has been a well known feature of the York County landscape for years and in 1999 the house was used as a film location for the Mel Gibson movie The Patriot. Tours of the house will be offered throughout the day. Make plans now to come join us in a weekend full of fun, excitement, and interesting history.
Hightower Hall - Historic Brattonsville
As always, everyone attending the event must register themselves to participate, whether it be using the Free online preregistration or by registering onsite and paying a $5.00 Walkon Fee. Online preregistration can be found by using the link below. Confirmation of receipt of preregistration will be sent via email once the online form is submitted and verified by staff. Again, online preregistration is Free. Plan ahead now and save yourself some hard earned cash by taking advantage of the online preregistration option today.
Online Preregistration Form Link
All Preregistrants and Walkons must still check in at the Registration Tent to confirm their participation and to receive a site map and event schedule. Advance online preregistration will serve to expedite this process and quickly have you on your way to the location of your camp.
On Friday, Oct 27 a School Education Day program has been planned for schools located in and around the area. The program will take place between the hours of 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. Reenactors of all military branches and those of Civilian impression are invited and encouraged to participate. All participants must be onsite and ready to run by 9:00 am Friday. For your convenience camping on site Thursday night will be permitted. Please let us know if you'd like to participate by checking the appropriate box provided when completing the Online Preregistration Form.
Note: Non emergency vehicle access to the site will not be allowed during the timeframe of Friday's school program (9:00 am - 1:00 pm). If arriving prior to 1:00 pm on Friday to participate in only the weekend's battle reenactment, we ask you to please bear with us until the school day program has ended before driving into camp to unload your gear.
Cannon bounties of $100.00 are being offered to the first six (6) full scale guns to register. After reaching this limit any other
artillery units wishing to participate are more than welcome to do so but regretfully without cannon bounty. As is always, we
still encourage and invite you to come participate and enjoy a fun filled weekend with us.
A Saturday evening Dance Ball is being planned for your enjoyment and participation. So Ladies go ahead and get out your best dresses ready and Gentlemen your finest frock or dress coat and make plans to come kick up your heels with your partner, friend, and maybe even a new acquaintance. Evening music will be provided for your listening and dancing pleasure by a fine group of Ladies known as the "The Picken Pearls."
There will not be a reenactor meal provided by the host unit this year. So please make plans to enjoy your Sat evening meal through your company kitchen, over campfire, a onsite food vendor, or by visiting several great area restaurants located less than 10 to 20 minutes from the event site.
We ask that you please be prepared to portray a Federal impression at least one day of the event.
All tents with the exception of campaigner and civilian will be formed upon a lined company street.
Fire pits must be above ground. No digging allowed.
The entire Historic Brattonsville site is known as a living museum. We ask that you please help maintain the facilities and surrounding landscape made available for our benefit and enjoyment while here.
As always, we welcome your participation in this event and are very much looking forward to seeing everyone again this year.
Download/Print Important Notes & Reminders
All uniforms and equipment must be of proper materials, construction and appearance.
Infantry weapons must consist of 3 band muskets or proper revolvers for officers. For cavalry, carbines, revolvers, and sabers. No shotguns, hawkins, or flintlocks.
NO KNIVES allowed on the battlefield. Only officers, Cavalry, and designated NCO's are to carry edged weapons.
Horses must have current Coggins Certification (SC State Law).
Horses are not to be ridden in infantry, refugee, or civilian camps.
Fire-pits allowed in designated areas only . Pits must be above ground using fieldstone or logs as a fire barrier. No dug fire pits.
No non period music, musical instruments or playback equipment.
Vehicles must be parked in designated areas only (See Map for Reenactor Parking) All vehicles must be out of camp by 8:00 am Saturday. No Exceptions!! Vehicles will not be allowed back into camp until 3:00 pm Sunday.
All modern equipment must be out of public sight at all times.
Pre-rolled rounds only, No Penny wrappers, staples, tape, aluminum foil or waxed rounds. The use of ' Wonder Wads " is strictly forbidden.
Bayonets will not be fixed except upon the orders of the commanding officer.
Unit commanders are responsible for the conduct of their men.
Any soldier missing safety inspection will not be allowed on the battlefield.
Must be prepared to portray a Federal impression during one day of the event if needed.
Pets and Smoking are prohibited while on site.
Download/Print Rules & Regulations
Gerald Goins: ggoins@6thregimentsc.org
Rick Walker: rlw1860@gmail.com
Vernon Terry: vwtinc@aol.com
Colleen Kaphengst: herstoryinsc@gmail.com
Colleen Kaphengst: herstoryinsc@gmail.com
Physical Address: 1444 Brattonsville Rd, McConnells, SC 29726
From Columbia - Take I-77 north, get off on Exit 73. At the bottom of the exit ramp, turn left on Highway 901 and proceed three miles to Highway 72/121; turn left. Proceed south on Hwy 72 four miles and turn right on Highway 324. Follow Hwy 324 five miles to its intersection with Highway 322 and turn left. From this intersection follow Hwy 322 south for five miles, passing Bethesda Presbyterian Church on the left. One mile beyond the church, turn left on Brattonsville Road and proceed two miles to the Visitors Center on the left.
From Charlotte - Take I-77 south, cross the Catawba River and take the second exit (82-B) for Rock Hill. This exit is not called Cherry Road. Coming off the exit the traveler will be on Cherry Road traveling southwest. Proceed through Rock Hill on Cherry Road. The road narrows to a two-lane road after crossing Highway 901 and becomes Highway 322. Follow H wy 322 approximately ten miles, passing Bethesda Presbyterian Church on the left. One mile beyond the church, turn left on Brattonsville Road and proceed two miles to the Visitors Center on the left.
From Greenville, Spartanburg - Travel north on I-85 and take Exit 102. At the top of the exit ramp you will be facing Hardee's restaurant. Turn right and follow the road, crossing double railroad tracks before coming to the end of the road at Highways 5 and 29. Turn left, traveling one mile before turning right on Highway 5 to York. At the first stoplight in York, turn right on Highway 321 south. Follow Hwy 321 for approximately nine miles to Brattonsville Road and turn left. Proceed on Brattonsville Road three miles to the Visitors Center on the left.
From Clinton, Newberry, Batesburg - Take Highway 72 or 121 north toward Whitmire. Follow Hwy 72 toward Chester and turn left on Highway 321, traveling toward McConnells. At McConnells, go right on Hwy 322 for two miles, then take a right on Brattonsville Road. Proceed two miles to the Visitors Center on the left.
From Gastonia - Take Highway 321 south toward Clover. Stay on Hwy 321, taking the 321 by-pass around York.
From Lancaster - Take Highway 521 north out of Lancaster. Turn left onto SC Highway 5 and proceed into Rock Hill. Turn left onto Cherry Road. The road narrows to a two-lane road after crossing Highway 901, and becomes Highway 322. Follow Hwy 322 approximately ten miles, passing Bethesda Presbyterian Church on the left. One mile beyond the church, turn left on Brattonsville Road and proceed three miles to the Visitors Center on the left.
From York - Follow Hwy 321 for approximately nine miles to Brattonsville Road and turn left. Proceed on Brattonsville Road three miles to the Visitors Center on the left.
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For More About Historic Brattonsville Visit Their Website Here
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